Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Yet another frustrating day. But I came to realize one thing. I could live in Richmond. I could BUY in Richmond. Right now. 2 bedrooms. 1 bedroom. NO WAY they can take my dog away from me. I can live there and pay myself money instead of throwing it away on rent, paint it any colour I want to and be close to work AND to horses... it's something to think about, that's for damn sure. I think I'll talk to Floyd about it on Thursday when I see him at 9AM. I may even beg my parents to help me with closing costs or downpayment or something... hard to say.

I have to think this through some more. This would cost the same as renting, I could still be saving towards my future home and my RRSPs... but meh. meh. meh.

Why do I have to make decisions??!?! The options addle my brain.

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