Saturday, December 30, 2006

Back from holidays and recovering from visiting the family all over the place in the Lower Mainland. I've ridden to get the mail twice this week... Maya not so sure about me being the boss all the time, though she's getting more accepting - especially since I stick to it and don't give up. I think she must have had her way most of the time in previous relationships with humans. She did with me, at first! Now I mostly get my way with a few small lapses.

I'm reading "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus." From my side of things it's surprisingly accurate. Matthew says he wants to read it, too... but he hasn't started, yet. :-/ I'm trying to apply some of the things that I've learned, and not too surprisingly, it seems to work.

Things are strange in website land.... is down - and so is - Leanne? Adam? What does this mean? I'd best email those two and find out if they're okay. /me crosses everything she has for luck.

My lower back is truly bothering me today, probably from riding yesterday and then doing yoga when I haven't done any serious yoga in a while. I don't usually have lower back pain, mid back, yes...but not lower. So today I just went and hung out in the paddock with the girls - no ride with a sore back. Matthew put a chinese medicine patch on it for me - hopefully it gets better with some rest and gentle stretching.

Meh. Boring entry. I've been feeling strangely ill lately because our schedule is all messed up and I don't eat/drink regularly. When I get dehydrated I start to feel ill - then I don't want to have anything to drink, even though I know that when I do I will feel better. I do drink water at these times, even though ingesting anything is about the last thing that I want to do.

No. I'm not pregnant. Just dehydrated!

Missed seeing Kim and Ed in Vancouverland over the past week... no answer on the phone! Evil phone! Ah well... *hugs* to them anyway! We WILL hook up at some point. Having no access to internet while I was in most places in Van made it hard to get in touch with them.

Off I go to move the dishwasher and watch Parelli DVDs. w00t!