Thursday, January 30, 2003

Much has happened since last post.

I have completed the Landmark Education Advanced Course. Mind blowing... that's all I can say. That work is really helping me to focus on what is important to me in life. Happiness. Fulfillment. Community. I learned a new way to look at the future. I learned a new way to listen to people. I learned about who I have been being in my life. I learned that I'm not the follower that I always thought I was. I am a leader. Wow. Floored me, too... Just to name a few.

On Tuesday morning, M. and I went to visit Bob Kingsmill - a creative and talented potter whose work we both (especially me) fell in love with when we visited Granville Island a few weeks ago. We went to commission a clay mural as an engagement gift (instead of the evil diamond ring) - we asked him for one of his celtic knotwork arch ones - with horses involved and trees and water... it will be beautiful. He is not only wonderfully talented and creative, but he's a fantastic guy, too. I told him that I am becoming a potter, he asked me what I was working on - I told him I am "cylinder girl". He approved, saying there is so much to be learned from throwing cylinders. I agree. So far I've learned tons. He was jovial and relaxed and the whole experience was magical. Had we come a week earlier, we probably could have watched the piece bieng made! I'll go down and watch him build a different mural when he comes back next month.

I'm going to be doing the lighting for a local theatre company's production of Nick Hall's "Eat Your Heart Out" a romantic comedy being put on as dessert theatre by the Emerald Pig Theatrical Society for Valentine's Day. Sunday I'll attend my first rehersal of it and next week will bring the technical setup and rehersal learning how to operate the light board! I love volunteer work... you get to learn such cool things!

The Birth Mom thing is halted as I wait to hear back from Nila at Family Services... I hadn't heard anyting further so I called today to check on it. She'll call b-mom and find out where it stands... and let me know tomorrow. Hope all is still well. Hoping for the best. Prepared for the worst.

The job hunt has taken a new twist. Searching for an established functional-ware potter who is looking for an indentured slave. The way I see it is this: I really want to learn this stuff, to do it and be it from the depths of my soul. Clay is magical and I need to learn the skills to weave and work the magic. Being a waitress and potting on the side isn't going to do that. If you know of anyone... or anyone who might know of anyone in the Lower Mainland, BC... let me know. =) I only require enough income to pay rent, buy food and pottery supplies and occasionally visit my friends... and I will work long, long hours for it. Thursday next week my search at Granville Island will begin. March 6 (strangely enough my Birthday) I will be able to join the Richmond Potter's Club... inexpensive, studio use included, and pay per piece for firing. PLUS being exposed to a number of different potters, workshops, volunteer opportunites (kiln loading, glaze mixing etc) where I can learn tons, and get involved in the pottery community.

Life. Is. Good.

More later... new website to work on!