Thursday, December 22, 2005

We're almost at another Christmas - been a while. I've been busy, too busy to post, really. What with working full time, riding and playing with horses in my time off during the summer, and now the last four months back at school... there's been a lot going on.

I'm exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally. I have been sick for about 3 weeks - I got over one cold just to be thrown headlong into something else. Wicked cough. Dead tired. And family is coming for Christmas. I'm happy about that, though I never EVER feel as though I've had enough time to organize anything, this year more than ever. We're having Matthew's family up for Christmas. They arrive this evening. I'm half done baking (if that), half done cleaning (maybe a little better than half) and too tired to care at this point. We still have to grocery shop. Erp. They will be here for four hectic days and then I can sleep, play with horses and draw. That's about IT, I think.

I'd better get back to it... don't know why I decided to post.. just thought it was long overdue.

Short version of what's been going on since my last post:
Horses = Parelli = playing with Bailey at Level 1, starting Level 2. Built pen on property with shelter (Matthew did it)
Pottery = found my voice, making horse decorated pots.
Marriage = more work than ever, but it's worth it.
House = still in the same place, now improved with wood shed and horse pen/shelter.
Summer job next year? Maybe assistant cook at tree planting camp. Boy will I miss hearth, home, husband and horses. :-/

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Master Cleanse is long over - I lasted 6 days.

For now... I stole this from Ali who stole it from Christy:


1. A body of water, smaller than a river, contained within relatively narrow banks? stream
2. What the thing you push around the grocery store is called? shopping cart
3. A metal container to carry a meal in? lunch box
4. The thing that you cook bacon and eggs in? frying pan
5. The piece of furniture that seats three people? chesterfield
6. The device on the outside of the house that carries rain off the roof? gutter
7. The covered area outside a house where people sit in the evening? porch
8. Carbonated, sweetened, non-alcoholic beverages? pop
9. A flat, round breakfast food served with syrup? pancake
10. A long sandwich designed to be a whole meal in itself? sub
11. The piece of clothing worn by men at the beach? trunks
12. Shoes worn for sports? running shoes
13. Putting a room in order? tidying up
14. A flying insect that glows in the dark? firefly
15. The little insect that curls up into a ball? pill bug
16. The children's playground equipment where one kid sits on one side and goes up while the other sits on the other side and goes down? teeter-totter
17. How do you eat your pizza? From tip to crust, leaving the crust to either be enjoyed or discarded (depends on the pizza place)
18. What's it called when private citizens put up signs and sell their used stuff? garage or yard sale
19. What's the evening meal? supper or dinner
20. The thing under a house where the furnace and perhaps a rec room are? basement
21. What do you call the thing that you can get water out of to drink in public places? water fountain

Yeah.. so that's it. Things are going great, excpet I've somehow lost the way to publish my other blog.. so for now this will have to do. =) I'm done school for the year, started working at Pacific Insight today. They build wiring harness and modules for automotive and marine applications. I'm going to be working in "wireland" - making wiring harnesses. Made three different types today - and will be learning a lot more stuff soon. It's fun, if repetetive and the people seem nice for the most part. I don't mind not having much of a social life or whatever while there... since I have things to read and ponder during the short breaks that we have, anyway.

I have to make some sandwiches for tomorrow. PB and Banana for me! Whee! Dunno what Matthew wants. We'll see. Other than that, I'm doing Parelli natural horsemanship with my horse and it ROCKS! I'm learning so much... and have SO MUCH more to learn yet! Wheeeee! Time to make some money so's I can afford her and the lessons that I'd like to take! And the physio for the broken finger I got in March while leading her. Argh. Kind of ruind my year end, but then it did give me lots of time to think about my pots and what direction I'd like them to go in next year. Very important stuff. Thinking. =)

But for now it's off to bed, I worked 8 hours and then worked about 4 more helping to put up a fence. So now it's time to snoozle.

Nighty night.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I began something called the "Master Cleanse" today and I feel like shite. Most of the day was fine, but now I'm tired, headachey, hungry, weak, dizzy. Yay. The good news is, it's supposed to get better after a while and all this suffering is due to the toxins that have yet to be purged from my body. That and only drinking lemonade sweetened with maple syrup and spiked with cayenne pepper. Ugh. This laxative tea tastes NASTY. Hope it works better than the brand I tried yesterday. TMFI? TFB. (too fucking bad) It's my journal and I'll post about nasty clenases if I wanna. For now, I'm going to suck down this tea and go to bed. I hope it stays down. Ugh. This had better get better and make me better, too. The upside is, I haven't had any stuffed up nose today - maybe I have food allergies (like to milk the mucous maker?) that I wasn't completely aware of. Hm.