Friday, August 02, 2002

Well, it is sadly already time to leave Calgary... Yesterday was busy. M. and I went and found a BMX tire for his bike - then we found our way to the Calgary Zoo - really an amazing experience and worth the price of admission.... then we visited the Calgary office of MEC (where M. works in Vancouver) and to top it all off Kim and Ed and M. andI had Thai food at the place where everyone celebrated Ali's birthday... it was fantastic. =) There were at least 3 other birthday celebrations going on there when we were there this time, too. We then went for Ice Cream at Phillips... and though I love Green tea ice cream... this one was a kind that they add the leaves to... that always kind of weirds me out... but it was good in spite of it. M. had one scoop of Khalua and one of Pralines and (insert some other kind of nut that I forget the name of here). He really seemed to enjoy it. ;-) Kim is hotter than ever and Ed is pretty cute, too. He gives good hugs, does my bro. Need more of those when they move to the lower mainland next year.

I wish M. could come to Las Vegas with us... I will be the only chick without my mate... but $$$ always conspires against us. Dunno if he'll be able to swing it. Likely not. Poo.

Wow, I had forgotten what a room at jome with multiple computers in it could sound like! HUMMMMMMMMM...

Are my thoughts disjointed? Perhaps. It's only because I have to leave Calgary soon. Heading for the glories of Banff will ease the pain, though only a little bit.

Thursday, August 01, 2002

Illuminares was great fun, but this week (so far) travelling to the Kootenays has been even more fun. I'll update more from home.. probably.. if my brother ever stops downloading songs from the net! Heck, I can update while he downloads, so I will. Pictures and everything. Right now I am at the lovely and delectable Kim's and the silly and brother-like Ed's apartment in Calgary! We drove all the way here in the Old Beast (car that my grandparents bought new, my mom then owned and gifted to me) with a stop in the Slocan Valley and Nelson. I'm in love with Nelson... one day maybe I'll move there... if I can find a job there that I'd love to do. More details will follow but I want to go eat Thai food with everyone, now. HUNGRY.