Saturday, February 16, 2002

I bit my tongue ring tonight. Hard. I chipped my molar. It doesn't hurt, but it's rough and it sux. Now I have to do what I've been putting off for far too long and go to the dentist.

Joining The Friday Five club:

1. What was the first thing you ever cooked? I really don't know. Toast? I think I helped my mom make Peanut Butter Cookies. Yum. First pie I baked was a cherry pie. My mom and I were humming that song "can she bake a cherry pie, billy boy, billy boy?" the whole time. I even have a picture of me with that pie. Freak.

2. What's your signature dish? I don't really have ONE signature dish. My favourite easy one is chicken breasts with white wine and herb sauce. My signature desert is an extremely rich Cheesecake.

3. Ever had a cooking disaster? (tasted like crap, didn't work, etc.) Describe. Somehow, I managed to burn rice.Multiple times. It stinks. It tastes BAD. Even if you only burn it a little bit and eat the non-burned parts... somehow they take on the taste of the burnt crusty stuff that sticks to the bottom of the pan. Now I just start it to a rolling boil and turn off the heat. Perfect!

4. If skill and money were no object, what would make for your dream meal? Perfectly blue rare tender steak, digby scallops, sashimi... baked cheesecake for desert... Bad question. I love food. Period.

5. What are you doing this weekend? Going to see Lord of the Rings again on the big screen. This time with Tusker and Roomie Guy. Talking to the tattoo artist about my new (first!) tattoo design. As little else as I can get away with.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

Do you ever have days where you see someone you care about feeling down or de-motivated and then try to cheer them up or pump them up and just end up talking about yourself? Ever feel dumb as rock because of it? Yeah... me too. It sucks. Note to self: Shut the hell up.

Monday, February 11, 2002

So lots of thoughts over the weekend... mostly when I wasn't hanging out with other people. Thoughts about life, about tattoos and about relationships. Thoughts about travel, about friends, about the pain in my aching, overworked muscles. Thoughts about how incredibly ironic it was that super-hairy-hot-tub-stranger-guy was saying that Brooke Shields needed to shave her eyebrows... when he had enough back fur to pose as a sasquatch. ;-) Beer never really brings out the best in people. I held my tongue (and happily played with my tongue bar-bell) while sharing a knowing look and a mutual giggle with Sam, my co-worker's lovely wife, who was sitting next to me.

I may share my thoughts on these and other pressing issues later... but for now it's time to let my body get some much needed rest.

Sun Peaks rocks my world.