Monday, February 11, 2002

So lots of thoughts over the weekend... mostly when I wasn't hanging out with other people. Thoughts about life, about tattoos and about relationships. Thoughts about travel, about friends, about the pain in my aching, overworked muscles. Thoughts about how incredibly ironic it was that super-hairy-hot-tub-stranger-guy was saying that Brooke Shields needed to shave her eyebrows... when he had enough back fur to pose as a sasquatch. ;-) Beer never really brings out the best in people. I held my tongue (and happily played with my tongue bar-bell) while sharing a knowing look and a mutual giggle with Sam, my co-worker's lovely wife, who was sitting next to me.

I may share my thoughts on these and other pressing issues later... but for now it's time to let my body get some much needed rest.

Sun Peaks rocks my world.

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