Friday, April 05, 2002

friday five ( I dunno where to link this, cuz I took it from Devon's page) )

1. what are the first things that you do in the morning to start your day? Say good morning to Rainy, swish my mouth out with cold water and then take a long, cold drink, have some orange juice and check out my email and the blogs I read.

2. what are the last things that you do at night before going to bed? Dim the lights, check the lock on the door, call Rainy to her bed (and sometimes mine) crawl into my bed and read whatever book I'm currently into.

3. what daily routine have you recently added to your day? Nothing that is going to last longer than it takes me to find an apartment to live in. I read every morning to find the lastest rental listings.

4. what routine do you wish you could get rid of? My lazy ways of not exercising! I already ditched cable because it glued me to the couch, and I think that's helping. Moving closer to work will make not biking there seem idiotic... so that should help, too.

5. what's the one thing that makes you feel like something is missing if you don't do it some point within your day? Cuddling with my dog Rainy.

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