Saturday, May 04, 2002

Hi Mark. =)

Much rant-ness yesterday... and more to building, but not today. This has been a lazy day, making Nanaimo Bars, organizing some of the stuff that I've moved and getting my computer Return-to-Castle-Wolfenstien-Gaming-ready. Did a little web research for my mom on some antiques she has, and generally relaxing. Definitely needed a day like this after the move last weekend. So far, knock on wood, the pager has not gone off.

I see George at work, but I don't talk to him much. It's like we are brother and sister or just 'work acquaintances', now... except I remember what makes him shudder and close his eyes in extacy. :-/ The missing him hasn't hit me bad at all, it's strange and I'm not really waiting for it to happen or dreading it or *anything*... I've got lots of other things to focus on for myself. I wonder if he'll find someone or just get immersed in gaming again, and keep living at his parents. ;-) Every time I've talked to him when he's been at home, he has been helping his Dad with the computer. That will drive him mad after a while, but.... whatever. The true test will come when one or the other of us finds someone new... then we'll see how actually "over" him I am. Time will heal it all.

At any rate... more to do, things to download, pack, organize, clean... dinner with "aunt and uncle" tonight. Mmmm... garlic prawns ala Dad. Gotta love not being the only cook in the house!

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