Friday, May 03, 2002

Listening to the radio and hearing about alleged Israeli War Crimes. Using Palestinians as human shields, deliberately shooting women and children, crushing a paralyzed man in his home even though the family tried to get a few more minutes to get him out, shooting a man in a wheelchair with a tank and then running over his body in the road... his wheelchair with a white flag still attached to it...

I don't know. It all sounds SO horrific... and yet, I can't help but feel that were the Israelis the "popular" side, that there would be no mention of these alleged war crimes. Instead the Palestinians would be accused with the same charges and more. The popular press today seems to have it in for the Israelis. I've always had good memories of any Israelis I've ever met... They were always resourceful, polite and caring people. Some had lived on Kibbutz there, and that life sounded wonderful for the soul. Working the land, studying their religion and living communally.

One problem I have with the term "War Crimes" is that it only ever applies to the "losing" side. The Americans, Canadians, British in World War II. If the Allies had lost that war, there would have been accusations of "War Crimes" galore from the Axis side. Another is that this is WAR we are talking about here... what the hell does anyone expect? If we were truly civilized, there would be no war. It's a violent and dirty business and it is fought against ENEMIES. says:

en·e·my Pronunciation Key (n-m)
n. pl. en·e·mies
One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe.

A hostile power or force, such as a nation.
A member or unit of such a force.
A group of foes or hostile forces. See Usage Note at collective noun.
Something destructive or injurious in its effects: “Art hath an enemy called Ignorance” (Ben Jonson).

Of, relating to, or being a hostile power or force.

Since we are human, and as humans we unfortunately get involved in a lot of horrible conficts called wars, we make enemies of our foes. Nobody is nice to their enemies... whatever for? Enemies abuse and use and pillage and destroy each other. That's what enemies do. So to make it a "war crime" to be human in this way strikes me as completely ridiculous.

I am not saying that the things these people are doing are right or good or moral or any of that, but face it, they are acting in times of war. If we truly want to prosecute "war crimes", we must prosecute the entire act of war. Period. Make WAR criminal, and then you'll have my vote for prosecuting war crimes. Until then... "it's okay to kill the soldier of your enemy, but not the women of your enemy" makes no sense to me at all.

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