Tuesday, April 30, 2002

Ahhhh.... my own baby back online where she belongs. What a fight to get TCP/IP to clear it's old settings! I finally just uninstalled and reinstalled the protocol. Call me crazy, but it worked. Better than fscking with it all night long.

So things are settling in to "normal" around here... few more weeks and it will be just like home. I miss being downtown, but not all that much. There are great views here, great parks, and Rainy has a backyard to play in. That's my goal for us. I'm going to buy my own place with a backyard just for she and I to enjoy with friends. =)

I'm kind of numb about Geroge. I don't know what to think about us, anymore. He still calls me for little things and I still call him for computer won't get on the network troubleshooting help... but we aren't "going out" anymore. We're not living together anymore. We're just... "friends". What the hell does that mean, anyway? How the hell do you DO that with someone you've been sexual with for the past 2-3 years? I dunno. But somehow it seems to be working. My feeling is that it will all fall apart when one or the other of us finds someone new. I know it will be him, first... because I want my house before I go getting involved with anyone. Could be a few years.

MaybeI really should get some rechargable batteries for my i-brator. ;-)

Dinner at the Boathouse on Thursday at 6:30. Yum. My favourite.

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