Wednesday, May 08, 2002

Got to sleep at 8:30 last night. Got a page at 9:30 and thought it was my alarm clock at first. Silly me.

Doctors are "on strike" here in B.C. again. I have problems with that. Yesterday specialists were not taking new patients, today it's General Practitioners. They'll still take you if you already had an appointment, or if it's an emergency... but no more unpaid "on call" doctors or other services and they're not taking any new patients, either. This SUCKS.

Something has to change.... but what? There is a lot of fear about going to a two-tiered system or losing public health care altogether. For the most part I feel that having public health care is good... except... the doctors still get paid even if they don't diganose or fix my problem. I don't think this is right. They don't have any vested interest in doing a good job to fix what's wrong with me if they don't see any financial benefit. I suppose they see *some* benefit, in that they *may* get more patients coming to them if word gets around that they care... but all my doctors have just seemed to refer me willy-nilly to whatever specialist there is around.. and I have not gotten satisfactory results from this method so far.

Maybe I'm jaded. Just fix my foot, damnit.

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