Friday, March 08, 2002

I suddenly feel like I'm getting sick again... that would suck, especially since I'm still not totally over my previous cold. I think I'll get a ride home with the kindly Karl and perhaps wander up and get a "Best Defense" smoothie. Lots of vitamin C, ecchinacea, Goldenseal and yummy fruit. It always makes me feel like I'm doing something for myself. Then I'll snuggle up with my dog on the couch and give her tummy rubs and ear scritches and other puppy-lovin'. I'm still inspired to work on my website some more and to find a good flash memory mp3 player (no hard drives, please!) so I can take my music with me anywhere. If anyone has any good suggestions, I'd love to hear from you! Please email me epona @ qgirlz . com.

It's snowing again, today. Mid-sized, light, fluffy flakes that drift up almost as much as they drift slowly down. I wonder if it will cover the ground tonight... Very unusual for this time of year in Vancouver, but pretty and peaceful, nonetheless.

Time to go home! Whee!

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