Sunday, October 21, 2001

Yesterday was a busy one for me. I went to "Nightschool In a Day" at John Oliver Secondary school to learn the basics of the copper foil method of stained glass. I have to tell you... it ROCKS. I think I've finally found the perfect art for me. I love choosing the colours, cutting the glass to the pattern, burnishing the copper foil on to the glass and then soldering it all together! It's just so beautiful when it's done... even though my first piece has lumps and bumps where it shouldn't and the cutting wasn't very precise.. I still love it! I'm going to have to make my way to a stained glass store sometime this week.. at least I hope... There are so many patterns available on line, or you can adapt something to suit yourself. Gorgeous.

After a full day of stained-glass making, McCow and BabyBlade came over to play. We all walked up to Samurai Sushi on Davie and then over to the Capitol Six movie theatre on Granville Street to see Bandits. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. Billy Bob Thornton made me laugh so much I was still chuckling over lines and scenes in the movie hours afterwards. "Beavers and ducks!". That kills me. It was nice to see Cow again, and I'm so glad that he's with somebody as cool as BabyBlade. She's a real, live home-grown Lower Mainland girl, just like me. We're a rarity in these parts.

I wish I had some glass so I could craft some more wonderful things. Maybe the weekend after next... next weekend we go to Seattle to see Doug and Ali! Whee! It's DieharD's birthday next Saturday, so we'll be living it up in Seattle to celebrate. Zoe! Mmmmmmmmm MMmmmmmmmm good. Time to experience that first hand.

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