Monday, July 01, 2002

Back home alive and well from Wildwood tour and Walbran hike. Long. Long. Day. Yesterday. Slept. Slept. Slept. Today. Felt pretty wasted this morning and called in sick. I would not have been any good to anyone even if I had come in. I thought when I went to bed that I'd feel a lot better than I did when I woke up -- plus with the evil hormonal imbalance that is my period arriving today... it just made for an all-around bad day mentally and physically. We ended up *just* making the last ferry from Duke Point to Tsawassen... I was driving and it was a miracle we didn't crash.

At least today was spent in the company of my dear M. I helped him a bit with his move preparation by packing up the bathroom and giving it a scrub. Not as clean as I'd like to have made it, but physically, I wasn't feeling my best. He understands but says he has no concept of what it must be like to have the evil cycle. I feel SO disjointed physically and emotionally. Crying at the drop of a hat and sort of drifting through the day... hopefully it'll be a lot better tomorrow.

Funny thing happened on Friday. I dropped my cell phone in the toilet. SPLOOSH!! SUbmerged cell phone. It shut down on it's own, must have short circuited... I shook the water out as best I could and tried it that night... the vibrator function was working well. When it wasn't supposed to. I've let it dry for 3 days, now... and this afternoon... it actually WORKED! I'll tentatively try it again tomorrow and see what happens. It might be time for a new one... if this "working" state doesn't continue.

I'm sleepy. It's time for bed. I'll post pictures another time..

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