Tuesday, June 04, 2002

So... after my huge epiphany about "alone" vs "lonely" I managed to find myself having a date with someone! I wasn't looking for it, I am content to be on my own... but he was intriguing, and it was Star Wars, so I went. =)

It turned out very well (understatement?! Uh.. Yeah) ... and now I'm in a bit of a quandry as to which direction I want this to go in. We talked for hours, and we seem to share so many ideas and experiences... it was very cool to meet someone so like me and yet different... but after much thought and paying attention to my apprehensions I am going to take things slowly, keep following the plan I've made for MY future, and if something wonderful happens... so be it! If not... then I'm still truckin' along for ME.

Mom, of course, could sense that I was interested in someone...(even though I denied it to her) and she's lecturing about not getting into something AND telling me I should wait for George!! (wtf?!?!!) She seems to think he'll "come to his senses" in a few months time. Well... Mom... perhaps we broke up not just becuase he's not ready, but because neither of us is! I still love George and I will always have a place for him in my heart - but more and more I think that we were on different paths and probably diverging rather than coming together. I am NOT waiting for ANYONE. Neither am I going to "settle" for anyone. I'm going to be me, and do my things and if I find someone who wants to share those things, and introduce me to new things... great. If not -- I'm content to keep on living my life.

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