Wednesday, May 15, 2002

The weirdest shit bugs my parents.

They don't use the living room at all except when company comes over. I'm getting ready for my first *real* backpacking trip ever this weekend. They're stressing about my gear being on the love seat. It's not strewn all over the place. It's neat and organized and on the love seat. They have a huge couch and two other chairs in there... and they don't use the room.They want me to put it away. I will. Reluctantly. I want to SORT it, that's why it's out there. I want to make sure I don't forget anything!! Gads. They just don't get it. It's not like they ever EVER use that room. I'm so glad I'm moving in with Graham at the end of next month. So. Glad.

I think he'll understand... or at least I'll have my own room to use to sort stuff in.

Moving in here, I knew these times would come at mom and dads... I was just getting all settled in and feeling like they were mellowing enough that I could live with them.... never let your guard down! It's not worth the pain! ;-)

Away I go to sort and then put away. Weird.

It's all good... but it's weird. weird. weird.

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