Sunday, February 17, 2002

11 pm and I'm still awake. Mainly because I don't have to be at work tomorrow until 9:30.. which means I stay until 6pm. That part sucks, but the sleeping in certainly doesn't.

I have to try to ride at some point this week. I think my bicycle has forgotten who I am over the last month. The bus and my good friend Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever know exactly who I am, however. There are two main drawbacks to riding a bike to work. The first is flat tires. Painful. Annoying. The second is not being able to read the book you don't want to put down while you ride!

First Tattoo coming up in less than two weeks! Still haven't spoken to Joshua about it this week... I'll call him from work and find out if he's started on it so I can come see it this coming weekend to approve it. It has to be just right, after all! I laugh at myself all the time over the debate that rages in my head. "Do I tell mom or not?" In the past, my body-mods have been 'discovered' by my mom... both of them when we were golfing at the same golf course on occasions two years apart! The only two times I've ever been to that golf course. My mom usually makes some kind of exclamation that sounds like she's very disappointed in me. She does those noises very well.

I honsetly don't care what she thinks, but I know how stressed out she will make herself about it. Silly Mom, my life is for me!

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