Friday, October 12, 2001

Amazing. I can actually update this thing from work... or I'll find out if I can in the next few minutes...

Drove my car in to work today for the first time this week... been a good girl riding my bike. My excuse today is that I have to drive out to my parents' house (50 minutes away) and be there by 4:00PM. Wouldn't make it on time by bike. ;-) Don't think I'd make it at all by bike!

Hmmmm... what to tell y'all about lil' ol' me.... well. I work at a job I love -- doing remote administration of Radiology PACS systems that our company sells and services in hospitals all over Canada and the U.S. On my desk is a wee fish tank with way too many fish in it. I have to tell you, Marineland Eclipse System Six works *great*. I haven't lost a fish or frog, yet and I have been rather remiss in changing the water... must get to that next week. I have a bit of an algae problem, but I really can't afford to add yet another fish to the mix to clean it up any more.

Currently living in the tank: 2 male dwarf gouramis (who like to posture and mildly beat on each other), four lemon tetras, one Oto Catfish, one Bronze Corydoras Catfish and two hilarioius acquatic frogs. I'll get some pictures one day and show you the whole community.

I also have a really cool Spawn figurine on top of my compter to scare away anyone who is thinking about bugging me... problem is, the fish kind of counterbalance the evilness of the Spawn and I end up neutral and bugged. Ah well. Such is the price of having diverse interests. There is a horse calendar (of course) and the cover of a program from the Spruce Meadows Masters (Oooh! They redisgned their site! Very nice!) that DeeAy took me to! (Her site even has pictures!) That was a highlight of my summer, definitely.

There are a few miscellaneous comics and work-related phone lists and schedules... all in all it's a very rewarding place to work. I love the guys that I work with - they're all hard-working, fun and very supportive - and the manager is the same way. It's a high intensity, yet relaxed atmosphere that I enjoy coming to every day. I'll post more later... but for now I have to get back to work!

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