Friday, January 17, 2003

Wednesday night's pottery class went better than I remember! Perhaps it's my new dedication to getting down to perfecting the basics and my dream of really making it as a potter that has fueled this amazing improvement. I'm excited. More cylinders!

Thursday was start the dreads day! I now have nappy, temporarily waxy, dreads. It took 5 hours and a lot of Knotty Boy dread wax. I'll tell you one thing, it absolutely hurt more than getting my tattoo did. The sectioning and backcombing took the longest and was a bit sensitive, but when it came time to pull and twist the wax into the new dreads from the ROOTS to the TIPS - my sensitive scalp was screaming. It's still tender. So for now, they're waxy and soft... but I'll continue my maintenance of rubbing and twisting them whenever I get the chance, and in a few months or so, I'll have nappy-happy dreadlocks!

If anyone wants pics, I haven't taken any yet - but I could be inspired by email/irc/icq/posting in my guestbook... ;-)

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