Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Took the course... passed the course! Boy... that sure sounds a lot easier than it was! It wasn't difficult, so much as a whole lot of information to assimilate in a short period of time. Long days... but worth it. Glad I took the course, don't know that I'll ever use it, but if I need it - I have it.

Hmm.. in other news... I don't feel much like posting these days. I get all my ranting and figuring of things out done in the morning writing something called "Morning pages". Morning pages are a tool from the book The Artist's Way by Juila Cameron. What you do is write 3 long hand pages every morning. No more, no less. They don't have to be about anything... you just have to DO them. Occasionally mine are just gibberish, but sometimes some really deep things come out that I've been fretting about and didn't know how badly they were affecting me. I ask my Morning Pages questions... and the answers come, eventually. It's even more cathartic than writing in my blog has been for me. That's saying a lot.

Thing is... it doesn't leave much to rant or rave or write about here at the end of the day. That may change as I proceed along the path of The Artist's Way.

Trying to cut some glass tonight... but so far I've been distracted by the television AND by my computer.. and by the fact that I have no tape to tape my pattern together with. I can solve that problem tomorrow at work -- but for now, I promised myself some glass cutting -- so I think I'll just have to find a smaller pattern and cut something for that!! It'll give me some practice before starting the bigger project I'm working on.

At any rate... I'm off to do that, now.

I'll try to update from time to time about how the journey to creativity is going...

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