Friday, January 11, 2002

Weekend. That used to be a time for me to just be me and not have to worry about work. It still is. Only now, it really MEANS something. At work I feel quite stressed by my large number of issues and my inability to get complete closure on all of them. I like closure. Closure is good. It's also nigh impossible to get in life.

I can see why people go out and party their faces off on the weekend. They get drunk to forget the meaningless drivel that is their lives during the week. They dance to work off some of the insane, inane stress of their lives as worker bees. Personally, I still don't think I'll ever be a big party girl... but I do like to dance once in a while. Only 11 days into January and already I'm behind.

Body for Life... gotta get with it. The eating I'm doing *okay* on... the exercise I'm doing *okay* on... but the hot body and self confidence and knowledge that I can really do something that I set out to accomplish will take more than just being *okay* about doing something. Feh.

I get inspired and then it dies out. Too quickly.

I'm going to change that.

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