Tuesday, January 08, 2002

I worked until 7pm tonight.. I started at 7am. I had to stay, or I would have gone crazy. I stayed so I could feel what it would be like NOT to have to answer the phone at work, and to actually be able to look into those little nagging problems for customers that I have no time to deal with when big things are blowing up. I even got a few little nagging things cleared up. That was nice.

Then I drove to Booster Juice and got me a Best Defence smoothie... cuz well... five out of 7 people that are in my group at work are SICK. I'm surrounded. I will not let it get me! I exercised and I'm going to bed early. Drank lots of water, ate healthy food... time for the all-healing sleep to carry me through the rest of what looks to be a very long week.

Have to clean up the apartment tomorrow. Have to.

George comes home on Thursday. =)

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