Thursday, January 17, 2002

How in love am I with the DeeAy? Lots.

She makes my day with her rants, raves, boobs and cocks, phone booths, bags of hell and other choice nubbins.

How in love am I with the Trillian? :Lots.

She inspires me with her energy, her drive, her determination and her successes. She motivates me to get over it and "Just Do It". She can do things many others have not been able to, but she believes in each and every one of her friends.

I'm soooo tired tonight, mainly due to fighting off some kind of throat-attacking, gland-swelling nastiness that is going around at work. I haven't even worked out in the last three days. Ugh. But then again, I haven't felt much like eating tons, either... so it'll all work out in the end. But despite this tiredness, this lack of energy and oomphf, I click on the DeeAy and the Ookla in my links bar and follow my browser to the lands of the lives of my friends.

I then update this and follow my own links over to Chica the QGirl-I-have-yet-to-meet-but-love-vicariously, Babyblade-the-wise-beyond-her-years and the ever-negligent-about-posting Cow. Luckily, I see Cow at work every day... so it's not such a big deal.

Share the love. Go say hello.

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