Friday, October 24, 2003

What a strange feeling. I'm alone. M is away in Kaslo with our friends for the weekend... he has a four day weekend, lucky man. However... this leaves me at home after a rather disturbing dream in which I was being stalked and subtly attacked by someone from my past. He had spent all the time since I last saw him developing a machine and program which would completely take over my mind and cause me all sorts of suffering - without anyone else ever knowing or me being able to tell anyone about it. Now I feel compelled to search this guy out and take him to task on it. Or at least put my mind at ease that he's doing other things with his time. I'm sure he is. It was a long, long time ago.

Funny how my brain works. Or doesn't.

At least school is wonderful and I'm back focused on clay as the one thing I want to learn how to do better than I ever imagined I could.

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