Thursday, August 07, 2003

Don't you just hate it when you're sitting there idling in IRC and suddenly an arm muscle you didn't even know you had starts twitching involuntarily? Sometimes it weirds me out, other times I try to figure out which muscle it is, just to have it stop twitching when I get close to figuring it out.

Ariosa is coming to visit me! Whee! She'll be here from the 9th until the ??th! We'll see how long she can handle us all here. We'll have other guests for part of the time, but she and I may just go play camp-out girls (or M and his neice will... we'll see). Anyway... should be wonderful fun.

I bought some school supplies today. First time in like... forever. Art supplies. Acrylics. Gouache. Conte. Things I had never heard of before that I will learn to use. Neat.

It rained today for the first time in at least a month... and the smell was incredible. You know that summer rain smell where the dry earth, plants and pavement just release the fresh incredible smell of "Thank you". I swear it's the earth having an orgasm after a long dry spell. Or maybe that's spring. Anyway it was awesome.

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