Wednesday, July 24, 2002

ADSL still not quite there... hence the lack of updates.

One thing I would like to re-iterate... and that is that the SMOKER that sits beside me SUCKS! I love it when he goes outside for a smoke and then comes back in right after he's finished his last PUFF of smelly cigarette... and sits down to let the foul aroma of burnt cigarette smoke waft over me like a cancerous wave. Just love it.

I tell him about it, too. "You stink". I mumble "stinky boy" to myself (loudly enough that he can hear me). He's such an ass. Ah well... one day I won't have to put up with him.. maybe we'll move groups around sooner rather than later and I won't have to sit beside stinky cancer stick boy any more. Wouldn't that be loverly. Oh yes, it would.

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