Friday, March 29, 2002

Working on a Stat the last day before a two week "vacation" is ass. I say "vacation" because I don't get to go anywhere. Originally this time was booked off to go to Hawaii... but that didn't pan out... and things being as they are relationship-wise, I get to spend the time looking for a new place to live. The timing couldn't have been better, but it still sucks a little bit when I think that George is going to Hawaii for those two weeks.

Like I say, I'm going to miss him, but not as much as I would, were I still 'in love' with him. I also realize that I need someone who is firmly in the relationship as I am. He's not capable of that right now... and I certainly don't want to be a "place filler" while he waits for whatever it is he's waiting for before being ready to commit. I'm not looking for marriage, but I am looking for a partner who wants to go forward *with* me. I, too, need my own space and some time to get my head and heart together. George and I had a great relationship, one that will be VERY hard to top.

For now, I'm looking forward to having my own place for a year or so, being the only person to use my stuff unless I invite someone over, and being the only person who decides where the dog can go and what she can do while she's there. I enforced some rules for George's comfort that I can disregard, now! My baby-dog can cuddle in the bed with me anytime. *snuggle*

I'm a bit scared of not finding anything that will allow Rainy to live with me. That would suck incredibly, but I think my parents would be good sports and take Rainy until I can find a place that lets me have a dog. That is my absolute last and final resort... but it's good that it's there. Keeps the stress level where I can handle it without having to burst into tears every few hours.

Back to work for 20 more minutes...

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