Monday, March 11, 2002

The non-confrontational wuss in me was vanquished. It really can help, sometimes.

Those of you who need to know that I love you... I hope you do.

On to yet another rant...

Life is short. Many of us waste this short and precious time with things that don't matter. We waste them with things that rot our brains and turn creativity into mush. I begin to live the life that is programmed for me everu time I turn on the television. I'm feeling more and more strongly that I want to cut off cable completely. I don't need TV for news or entertainment. I can find out what I need to know online or from listening to everyone at work talk about what they saw last night. And television entertainment? That kind of entertainment keeps me slogging along like a drone. Never really feeling anything. Being fed what to feel by Survivor, COPS, Elimidate and Friends. Flipping through channels endlessly to find out if "something's on". Even if "nothing good" is on, I sometimes even end up droning away to the Maury Poviches and Sally's of the world. It's such a waste. There are some really, really horrible things out there that are disguised as "good television". Then there are the things that don't even bother to disguise themselves. I think I saw an ad for a celebrity match fight between Danny Boniducci and Todd Bridges. What. The. Hell.?!?! Television has sunk to new lows. Mass media runs the world, is pure evil and Oprah is the Devil.

I definitely don't need that in my life. Time to have a serious talk with George about our cable.

Even more time for sleep.

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