Wednesday, November 07, 2001

Shit. Hell. Fuck. I go to get on my bike tonight and yet again, my tire is flat. However, this time I can't find the leak in it... which leads me to believe that there are assholes among us who would mess with my mind by giving me a flat tire. Actually, I don't believe that... but it is a tad suspicious. I tried for 1/2 hour to find the hole in that tube, but it just doesn't exist... so instead I will wait a while and get a ride home with George.... loading the bicycle into the back of the Talon and then relaxing all the way home... or trying to. I want to RIDE, dammit!

I'll fix that this weekend. But good. I hear there are tire liners that protect your tubes from external punctures and pinches. i will find one.

I'm so tired... and I'm still on pager. Pager sucks. Have I already told you that? I tell you again. Pager sucks. Page at 11:30pm, page at 4:00am. Sleep?! What sleep!?

I'm a person who values her sleep. I work hard to make sure that I get 8 hours of uninterrupted snoozing every night... even when I have to leave the house at 5:00am to get to work for 6:00am I go to bed at 8 so I can be asleep by 8:30. Wake up at 4:30 and you have yourself 8 hours of sleep! Being on pager fucks that right up. Onlly tonight and tomorrow night and I'm free

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