Saturday, November 03, 2001

Being on pager sucks. At least I get paid a bit extra to do it... but it still sucks. Sitting around at home, when I could be out watching George test-ride motorcycles. He really wants one and went and got his learner's license on Friday... he called me from the dealership - he was able to ride at least one bike around. Wish I could have been there to see the monster grin that was probably on his face. =) Next time... he has many more test rides to do.

Meanwhile... I sit at home and wish I could go downstairs and cut glass... if only I had a pattern chosen. If only my pager worked down there. ;-) I'll make something... and then colour it to suit the glass that I already bought. ;-) I stopped by Kona Stained Glass supply last night on the way home from work and raided their "by the pound scrap bins". The glass is cheaper that way and it's in small pieces - which is fine for my tea light holders... if only I had a pattern in mind! I also chose some glass from their regularly priced bins.. but still cheaper stuff. Once I get the hang of this more I'll get other more expensive glass.. if that's what the pattern will look good in.

Ah well. The apartment is relatively tidy and I was able to go and get food at the grocery store today. Always a bonus. New recipe tonight. I'll post it if it's any good. ;-) It's for cheap inside/outside round steak... and likely very delicious. We shall see.

Off I go to try it!

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