Thursday, April 18, 2002


Worked an hour late to troubleshoot (and help solve - YAY!) a strange problem. Somehow the administrator password on the server at a customer site was changed or corrupted ?! Nothing could launch from anywhere, because it all uses that account! Very strange. But fixed for now.... almost 2 hours after the initial call, though it could have gone much longer.

Drove to Tisol to get some boxes for moving that they had kindly flattened and saved for me. My ex-co-workers rock.

Drove to MEC to buy camping gear to maintain my sanity this summer! Living with my parents will mean that we'll both need a little space to maintain our relationships. I figure weekend backpacking outings on my part are the perfect way to get it. I got a gorgeous tent (in gold) an incredible backpack (in green - wanted blue but they were all out) and miscellaneous other sundry items to make camping safer and more enjoyable. I have a few more things to get, most importantly boots.. but I want Merrell, so I have to look elsewhere than MEC.

Is this the consumer blog-link-fest from hell? Why, yes it is!

I'm a happy camper. Heh. Heheheh.

George's plane had trouble with the pilot's seat, so they're getting a part flown in to Hawaii from Vancouver... so he's not going to be home until tomorrow morning sometime. He'll let me know. I think he's happy to be coming home to Vancouver. I was dreading his coming back, somewhat... because I've grown used to being on my own here and the time away has really helped me put things in perspective emotionally. I wondered if the pain would all come flooding back again. It might. There is a distinct likelihood that it will. But the great thing is. The wonderful thing is... I will survive it. I'm stronger than I've ever been. I have purpose. I have desire. I have me.

On a strange and unrelated side note: "Hi Dave! Hope you and Mike enjoy the new apartment when you move in." =)

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