Saturday, June 15, 2002

So.. Thursday was yet another fantastic day. Went for my training run at 8:00 in the morning and it was already sweltering hot. Thank goodness for cold showers afterwards. uNF! After that I did some tidying up around here, vacuuming and organizing because I knew I'd likely be spending the night away from home... Packed up Rainy, my bike and a few other things in preparation for the Wilderness Navigation course classroom session that night and headed out to Vancouver to spend the day with M.

We started out by scaring the hell out of his poor cat, Wave. Wave is cute - he's HUGE. Not fat, don't get me wrong - he has massive paws and he is one solid boy. He's also just over a year old and has never met a dog he liked. I'd have to say that he doesn't yet "like" Rainy -- he was terrified and shaking most of the time... but Rainy demonstrated her ability to sense just how Wave was feeling and pretty much ignored him once she figured out that he wasn't into her at all. Wave did make some progress while Rainy was sleeping... he crept right up and lay down near her, sniffing all the while and keeping a watchful eye out for *any* sign of movement just in case he needed to BOLT.

They'll be friends one day. I'll betcha.

The day was spent riding around - we rode to Granville Island and during lunch, we ran into my friend Holly - she is a glass blower and works at a glass blowing place on the island. They're having a big exhibition soon (which she'll be sending us an invite to) where we can go and dress up all fancy.. I'm really looking forward to that! I embarrassed myself by swearing in the shop - which unfortunately has wood floors and lots of GLASS. Not a whole lot of sound-dampening factor, there. Holly kindly told me a story of another such occurrance in the shop which was even funnier than my own slip up. We then proceeded to beautiful Stanley Park - and being Thursday - was way less busy than it would have been on a weekend. Stopped on the way back for Ice Cream and then rode back to M.'s place in time to recover from the heat ride my bike down to my Nav course...

The Nav. course was great. Learned more about what kind of information could be found on and derived from the maps made by Energy Mines and Resources Canada as well as other maps. Kickass. Sunday is the field day up past Squamish in BC. I'm really looking forward to learning more skills that will keep me safe in the outdoors. (digression) Time to book that Wilderness First Aid course!

The day didn't end there, but my enthusiasm for writing about it now that the sun is starting to peek out from behind the clouds has waned engough that I'm going outside!

(digression) I'll have to book my Wilderness First Aid course on Monday. (/digression)

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Almost time for bed.. going to Vancouver tomorrow to spend some time getting to know M. Going to take my dog and my bike and just make a day of it. I have a class from 7-10pm, so it's a good excuse to head out early. Plus, he took the day off. =) I should find the battery charger for my bike light and plug it in cuz it'll be dark when I get out of class at 10 and I plan to ride form M.'s place to class and back again. Free parking is good. Exercise is even better.

Wish me luck, health and happiness. Wealth would be good, too -- but it's not necessary.

Drifting, dreaming, holiday in summertime.

Somebody sign my guestbook. It's lonely.
Began a running program today. Sweat is good, but time for a shower. =)

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Home am I from Vanderhoof and visits with my dear friend. Laura. You are HARD CORE. Eight months along and going wheeling to show me the glories of Cheslatta falls, the Kenney Dam and other gorgeous places in Northern BC. I envy the simplicity, wild beauty and gentler pace of your life... I know that one day, I will achieve this. Living the dream.

The trip was fantastic and I just wish it could have lasted a bit longer... but as she said, it'll keep me itching to come back and visit her again - which I will definitely do. I think the fall might be nice.. I want to see all those trees in suits of orange and red and yellow and give the townsfolk something more to talk about (who *was* that person I saw you in town with the other day??!) The black flies that like to take large bites out of me near my hairline will hopefully be gone by then. If not.. .there's always winter!

We saw a moose, four bears and a deer from Friday to Sunday. I have a picture of bear number one. Jeff saw more, but he was driving a taller vehicle on the way to their house from Prince George - we missed the deer that were on the other side of the highway below us because Laura and I were driving in her cute, short Honda Civic. Chilling in their adorable house on 6 and a half acres... walking to the river, playing with and meeting the entire gang of critters that share their home. *waves and snuggles* to Riker, Max, Coffee, Rudy and Rex. Touring the town, riding in an awesome Cheep 4x4 (part Chevy, part Jeep) that has finicky vent fan that sounds like a turbo prop is taking off inside your head, planting flower boxes, eating Moose (yum!) that has been slow-cooked all day in a tasty sauces, talking about old times and new, and watching movies curled up on the couch. These were but a few of the activites that took up our all too brief visit.

Laura and Jeff are convinced that they're having a boy... but they don't know the sex for sure. I wonder if life will throw them a curve or go just the way they're feeling? Time will tell! Good luck guys!

I will be back to invade and impose upon the hospitality of dear Laura and her hubby, oh yes indeed! She has inspired me to take up running again - which she too will do once the baby is big enough and she has recovered enough from the birth. Go us! Sun Run 2003, here I come.

Upon my arrival home, I was happily surprised at the airport by M. and after driving him home shared a wonderful walk in QE park, a fun night-scramble to the top of a rock outcropping (in the process nearly scaring to death the asian girl who was sitting on the stone wall at the top talking to her boyfriend), serious attempts to find subjects that we do NOT agree upon (unsuccessfully) and then walking back to his home to discover that we both adore Dave Matthews Band and love my peanut butter cookies. I also met Wave - who is a huge, powerful, playful, affectionate sweetie of a young cat. *purrt*

How is it that now that I know I can be single, and have no problem with it at all... that suddenly I find myself meeting a man whom I fear is a creation of a halucination? If I didn't have a picture of him and witnesses to confirm that he's real... I'd swear that I was lost in an amazing dream. I don't want to wake up, but if I ever have to, at least I can remember the dream with a smile in my heart.