Saturday, March 16, 2002

Whew! All done.

It's SEXY! But still red.... Look! Joshua, once again was entertaining. He's one sick little boy, but so much fun. =D

Devon was wonderful and showed up when I was taking my "pre-tatto pee break". I came out to Devon hugs (whee!) and she stayed all the way through, taking pictures and talking Pavlov, Schroedinger's Cat, blowjobs and sluts with us. She was inspired to really get her own tattoo soon.. and she wants to get Joshua to do it. I'll show up if she wants me there and take many pictures for her and laugh and talk and support her wimpy butt all the way through it!

Afterwards we headed up Robson Street, because I was still on a high from the whole experience *and* I was feeling thirsty. We wandered for a while, dropped by a few stores and finally got a drink and headed back to White Spot's burger place for some AWESOME fries and talk of men, life, the universe and everything. Glorious! Note to self... spend more time doing girl things with Devon.
I never have time for the Friday Five.. and most of you know my history with pets, so I'll skip it this week. =)

Tattoo shading day for me! I'm going on my own, Devon may drop by -- but whatever happens, it's cool. I'm really looking forward to it. Today was to be delivery day for my birthday present from my mom... but unfortunately I wasn't able to get in contact with the shipping department in time to let them know that I would be able to have someone here around the time that they had to come, so they didn't load it on the truck just in case. That's cool, it will arrive on the 30th in the morning, instead and I'll get to be here for it ~ otherwise George would have to hang out here to wait for it today because I will be at NeXT.

Finally got some decent sleep last night. Life is in turmoil in some very big ways right now... and planning for the future has kept my head busy and whirling too much to sleep well some nights. I got very comfortable with the way things were going... not exactly "happy" not exactly "unhappy", at different times a bit of both, but definitely "comfortable" for the most part. Big big changes in the wind.

For those who are curious and inventive, you have sources.

Thursday, March 14, 2002

It's funny and I just realized this. I can always tell when I'm really and honestly experiencing life when Sarah McLaughlin's songs move me to the point of tears when I sing them or hear them. When I'm coasting, and not really living, I still like Sarah's music... but it becomes a bit too "challenging" for me. I can listen to it for a while, but then I sort of pull away from it. Not willing to get into the thick of it and feel deeply. Right now I'm down and dirty in the tough reality that is life and Sarah's music reduces me to tears of laughter, joy and pain almost instantly. Thank-you, Sarah. One day I'd like to meet you and thank you in person.

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

I've thought about it and mccow is right. Travel is the way to go.

Now comes the planning and outfitting and selling of all things worldly to make it happen! I'll fill everyone in on details later, but I wanted to thank //cow for making me think.


Tuesday, March 12, 2002

I called and cancelled the cable TV today and it feels really, really good. I got a few choruses of "WHY!?" from some co-workers, but one quietly respected my decision and wished he could get his S.O. to see that getting rid of cable would be a good thing. Another is already among the ranks of the cable-less and he cheered for me, too.

Cancelling cable is definitely not something that everyone needs to do. I, however, am weak and must remove this evil that so easily drains my brain. =)

Monday, March 11, 2002

The non-confrontational wuss in me was vanquished. It really can help, sometimes.

Those of you who need to know that I love you... I hope you do.

On to yet another rant...

Life is short. Many of us waste this short and precious time with things that don't matter. We waste them with things that rot our brains and turn creativity into mush. I begin to live the life that is programmed for me everu time I turn on the television. I'm feeling more and more strongly that I want to cut off cable completely. I don't need TV for news or entertainment. I can find out what I need to know online or from listening to everyone at work talk about what they saw last night. And television entertainment? That kind of entertainment keeps me slogging along like a drone. Never really feeling anything. Being fed what to feel by Survivor, COPS, Elimidate and Friends. Flipping through channels endlessly to find out if "something's on". Even if "nothing good" is on, I sometimes even end up droning away to the Maury Poviches and Sally's of the world. It's such a waste. There are some really, really horrible things out there that are disguised as "good television". Then there are the things that don't even bother to disguise themselves. I think I saw an ad for a celebrity match fight between Danny Boniducci and Todd Bridges. What. The. Hell.?!?! Television has sunk to new lows. Mass media runs the world, is pure evil and Oprah is the Devil.

I definitely don't need that in my life. Time to have a serious talk with George about our cable.

Even more time for sleep.