Saturday, April 20, 2002

Pager is still crazy... but I'm done for now... *fingers crossed*

Sometimes I want to be so mad at George for not believing in what we had... but he never lied to me about how he felt. He was never sure I was the one. He never told me he was going to love me forever or that he would want to marry me one day. He always said he didn't know. How can I be mad when I've come so far personally in the years that we were together? How can I be mad when I know that I will go further in life now on my own, just becuase I knew him and we shared time and thoughts and respect with each other? I am grateful for his honesty, but sometimes... I just want to be able to be legitimately angry and upset with him when my heart is breaking. It's so difficult to part under these circumstances... not having the huge blowup that is so characteristic of the end of so many relationships (almost all of mine :-/ ) It will take a long time for me to gain closure. Through no fault of her own I am going to HATE the person he dates next. I'm sorry, whoever you are. Forgive me, I'm just jealous that he thinks you're worth the effort and I'm not. :-/ *sob*

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