Wednesday, March 28, 2007

This cold has got me tired and stuffed up, but my boss is understanding (and I'm sure doesn't want to get all his customers sick!) so I'm off work today. That will leave me with enough time to get things a bit more organized around here. I should probably try to lie down for a bit of rest before I get cracking, or maybe take an acetaminophin... that's supposed to be safe during pregnancy and I didn't take anything at all last night, although the Nyquil sure was tempting. Couldn't risk it - and I did manage to sleep on and off for a few hours at a time all night. Pain in the sinuses, I tell you!

So my horseplay has been much curtailed, first I was away all weekend and now I'm not feeling very healthy, so I don't want to risk getting out there and getting into a situation where I don't have the energy or ability to cope with what comes up. I think I might just go sit with them for a while today, bundle myself up and trundle off to the paddock for some quality undemanding time.

I have a feeling I'm going to need more tissues before this cold is over with! Puffs Plus with Lotion... here we come.


Alison said...

Take it from me...

You simply must take care of yourself and get better. Find out what medications will work best to allow you to sleep and breath and function and still be safe for baby. I ended up on a cocktail of tylenol and benadryl, but not before I had pneumonia because I was so afraid to take any medications.

Having pneumonia while pregnant sucks. Don't let it get to that. I hope you are feeling better. :)

Heather said...

I'm doing much, mugh better. Just a niggly cough and a sometimes stuffy nose left hanging on. Matthew got it, too - and his metabolism is so fast that he's already over it! I know that pregnancy slows down the immune system as well - so I take extra long to get better. I did use some tylenol to ease the swollen glands and get some rest. It helped.