Thursday, May 16, 2002

MEC owns me.

Thanks to Dave and Mike for welcoming me into their (formerly my) home and saving up all the mail that the forwarding doofuses missed. And my apologies to them once more for choosing, in my folly, to use Sprint Canada for my local and long distance phone service. If you're considering using Sprint Canada, don't do it. They suck. I'd rant... but I don't have the appropriate level of energy to be truly effective. Leave a comment if you want more details and a rant will be forthcoming (once I get more sleep).

Went to do the "grown up" things tonight... and then some childish but oh so fun things. I saw my financial advisor and gave him a big chunk of money to invest for me, picked up the mail and visited with the DVD-lovin' inhabitants of my old apartment, and then I spent the leftover bits of money at the Mountain Equipmeht Co-op. That rocked. Especially since a lovely girl that works there is going camping with us and helped us get a deal on some top quality gear. Yum. Gore Tex.

More after the weekend. I need my sleep.

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