Thursday, March 28, 2002

Still too tired. Bed calling me...


Baltimore has great people and terrifying people. I was more on edge in that city than I think I've ever been. It is a very blue collar city, and many of the people I saw behaved in larger than life, in your face, way out there, blue collar ways. It was like living in a Daytime TV talk show featuring Yo' Momma. There is such a division between black and white -- which is something I've never experienced, living in Vancouver. The division was palpable and almost seemed to be rising up in essence from the walls of the old buildings and the streets of the project housing that surrounds Johns Hopkins Hospital.

The cab drivers are completely crazy, but I think it's because they have to be. I've never heard car horns honked so much in my life, except in celebrating a wedding! These, though, were not celebratory honks. The drivers honk and yell and speed and cut people off... just like everyone else on the roads.

One night on the way back to the hotel from the hospital, we asked the driver to stop at a gas station. He obliged. I almost wish he hadn't. Two of us got out. Simon to buy smokes and me to get some bottled water. We were accosted by three large black men who asked us for change repeatedly and very loudly by getting right into our personal space and by trying to get right into our cab. The gas station attendant and all the wares that the gas station sold were behind 3/4 inch plexiglass. This should have been a BIG hint to us.

Nothing bad happened, but the cab driver did yell at the guy climbing in our cab and finally had to back up with the door open to get him out of our laps (four of us legitimately in the back seat) before driving very quickly off. Most interesting and eye opening stop to get water that I ever had.

I'll write more later, but for now I can barely keep my eyes open. Sleep time!

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