Thursday, February 07, 2002

OH my aching arm.

My right forearm hurts like someone took my skin off, rubbed a rough pumice stone up and down my tendons, sprinkled some lemon juice and pepper on it and then replaced the skin. It aches, it burns, it's not fun. It's probably due to work and riding my bike so much.

I need a new bike, soon... and I'm seriously considering a recumbent bicycle. I want one that's comfy, can can hold my current panniers and racks, and one that I can lock up well. I'm not in cycling for the competition. I'm in it for the exercise and enjoyment... I'm researching recumbents, now.. I'll let you know what I find out.

I miss my dog. She's at Nana and Poppa's house (the Grandparents of the Granddog) for the weekend, since we're going away and today was the only day before we leave that I could get her out there. She's so good. I was getting ready to leave to come back home and she was all antsy, wanting to come with me, whining and wiggling... and then I simply told her, "Rainy, you stay here, " like I do when I leave home for the day. She just went into the living room and lay down on the floor, quiet as you please. She knew that's what I expected of her and that she wasn't coming with me. Amazing dog. I sure love her. I pick her up on Monday night. =)

Bed. Sleep. Good.

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